NuLengua focuses on building student conversational skills while providing a basic structure to advance student understanding and mastery of Spanish grammar. The following course outline is a summary of the general curriculum.
- Spanish Alphabet / Pronunciation
- Basic Vocabulary
- Subject Pronouns:
Singular & Plural - Ser and Estar
- Por and Para
- Interrogative Words
- Days of the Week
- Numbers
- Gender and Number
- Time
- Demonstrative Adjectives
- Hacer (time expressions)
- Adverbs of Time
- Prepositions
- Direct Object Nouns / Pronouns
- Indirect Object Nouns/ Pronouns
- Gustar
- Mucho & Poco
- Gerunds
- Adverbs
- Relative pronouns
- Idiomatic expressions
- Comparisons of in/equality
- Por and Para
- Prepositions
- Possessive Adjectives
- Superlatives
- Review of all the Tenses
- Subjunctive and Correlation of Verbs
(A lot of emphasis on Subjunctive) - Idiomatic Expressions
- Periphrasis
- Past Participles
- Conditional Sentences
- Accentuation
- Relative Clauses
- Vocabulary Building
- Passive Constructions with Ser and Esta